Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Lunatic Fringe

I'm standing here on the ground
The sky above won't fall down
See no evil in all direction
Resolution of happiness
Things have been dark
For too long

Don't change for you
Don't change a thing for me

INXS 1984

          So if Trump is elected president, we’re all going to have to leave the country, right?  Racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, misogynist, he will end America as we know it.  Or maybe it’s Hillary who’s the root of all evil.  Dishonest, conniving, careless, she will destroy the country if elected.  The hatred of these two runs deep, with everyone sure this is a seminal moment in our history.  If the wrong guy or gal wins, we’re toast.

I know you don’t want to hear this, but it doesn’t make a bit of difference. Neither candidate will affect the short or long-term prognosis for this country.

Let’s start with immigration.  With Trump, the government is going to pluck every Hispanic man, woman, and child who’s in the country illegally and ship them the hell out of the country.  We’re also going to build a sky-high wall, and not one Mexican will dare to come into America illegally (I’m a little worried that if we build, say, a 20 foot high wall, that the Mexican will find a 21 foot ladder.  But I’m sure Trump will figure it out).  Lastly, not one Muslim will be allowed to come in this country during his presidency.  Of course none of this is going to happen (if you don’t know why, I’m sorry but I can’t help you).  But let’s say it’s all true.  Within one year of the Trump presidency, the US is substantially whiter.

It just doesn’t matter.  By the year 2050, and probably well before, the minorities in the US will be the majority.  In other words there will be more black and Hispanic fellas than whites.  Like it or not.  Look it up. Demographics don’t lie.  Something about “higher birth rates”.  Clinton and Trump just aren’t going to have much effect on this, if any.

But the real difference is the economy, right?  I don’t think so.  Currently every conceivable indicator is poor; GDP close to recession levels, stagnant real wages, nonexistent manufacturing, historically low labor participation rate, tepid job growth, record high debt, etc. There’s probably about 25 more off the top my head I could think of.  Neither candidate has any interest in reducing spending, so we have no chance of seeing real improvement. We’re close to 4 trillion a year, and growing.  This would be like giving credit card to my tween son, with a budget of $100 a month, and him spending $300 every time. “Don’t worry son, the one promise I will make to you is to not take away your credit card, at least until we go broke.  Hopefully that will make you like me”.  It’s unsustainable.

When Bush was president the debt skyrocketed.  With Obama it shot up even faster, and will soon hit 20 trillion.  Yes, you go broke a little faster with Democrats, but does it really matter?  Trump, a lifelong New York liberal who’s reinvented himself as a Republican, has recently proposed some good ideas, such as lower taxes (our corporate taxes are the highest in the developed world).  I’m guessing that will never pass.  A, I don’t think he really believes in lower taxes, and B, there is no appetite, either with the public or in Congress, to lower wealthy company’s taxes.  Whether you vote for Trump or Clinton, we’re still going to be stuck with an economy in recession (I believe we’re already in one) or one on the verge.

So get fired up about this election!  Keep posting on Facebook lunatic fringe stories about these two.  Personally I’m going to kick back, have some Laphroig, find out what a lepo is, and watch the debates and election.  But just remember one thing.  At the end of the day, your country will look the same, whether you paint yourself red or blue.

Have a good night everyone.


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